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How Important Is Creativity as a Leadership Skill

How Important Is Creativity as a Leadership Skill?

According to a survey of 1,500 chief executives around the world, creativity is the most sough-after trait in leaders today. Traditionally, creativity was associated with people in artistic professions such as writers, painters or musicians. In today’s VUCA  environment, the need for creativity has transitioned into the business world. It is those “Out of the Box” ideas that help differentiate organizations and therefore organizations increasingly must rely on creative thinking, in their effort to distinguish themselves from competitors.

Defined as: “The use of imagination or original ideas to create something”, most business heads will agree that creativity is essential for a company to grow and escalate to meet global standards. And not only radically original but incrementally innovative ideas are important to spur growth and differentiation today.

Having said that here is a small list of What is it that distinguishes creative leaders from the rest

1.They are  Insightful & Imaginative –

Creative folks apply unique methods daily – applying them to tasks or even their interactions with people . They place great emphasis on encouraging innovative thought amongst others in their organization. They provide meaningful and practical insights to problems and tasks; their style retains an imaginative element . They are inspiring often because they encourage others to chat about new stuff making the environment positive and innovative.

They are often more self-aware, more tolerant and humbler

An invaluable trait in creative leaders is the ability to accept failure. As a leader, humility is an essential trait because it reflects a person’s humanity. Creative leaders possess an innate awareness about themselves- what they do well, and what they don’t do so well.  Most experts agree that this self-awareness is tantamount to humility. As an effective leader, acknowledging your shortcomings and making an effort to learn and grow, exemplifies the right behavior to employees.

 Their passion shows in what they express

Passion is probably one of the most important traits which separates creative leaders from traditional leaders. A passionate leader effectively communicates his or her vision, and the vision of the company, to employees. When you express your views and beliefs that are different from what is traditionally acceptable, it should be with a passion which inspires the team to take on the innovative idea and challenge themselves with it. An honest expression of thoughts and ideas encourages employees to believe in what they are doing and helps to build morale.

They are facilitative

One of the reasons creative leadership is becoming an increasingly essential attribute, is due to the positive impact such leaders have on the workforce.  A large part of being a creative leader is being able to inspire people to generate and develop original and creative ideas. By facilitating creativity in employees, leaders can increase workplace satisfaction and build a team that works with enthusiasm and drive.

No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but we choose.

– Robert Anakis

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